By Amanda Kearney-Smith This is week five of our blog campaign on stigma. So far we’ve reviewed the U, N, I, & T of U.N.I.T.E. this week we elaborate on the final letter “E” which stands for “embrace”. U.N.I.T.E =
U.N.I.T.E to End Stigma Week Four: Talk About It
This is week four of our stigma posts – we are discussing the acronym U.N.I.T.E¹ a campaign to end stigma that started in Canada. UNITE = Understand, Nurture, Include Others, Talk, Embrace We’ve gone through the U, N, & I this
U.N.I.T.E To End Stigma Week Two: Nurturing Our Inner Self
By Amanda Kearney-Smith This is the third post on the Canadian anti-stigma movement: U.N.I.T.E¹ which stands for – Understand, Nurture, Include Others, Talk, Embrace. Last week we discussed “Understand” as one component of battling stigma, the importance of knowledge and raising