HB18-1001: FAMLI Family Medical Leave Insurance Program Establishes a premium based on a percentage of annual wages for all Colorado employees, the funds from which are deposited into a fund from which paid family and medical leave benefits can be
Mid-February 2018 Legislative Report
An update to current legislation in the Colorado General Assembly HB18-1001: FAMLI Family Medical Leave Insurance Program Establishes a premium based on a percentage of annual wages for all Colorado employees, the funds from which are deposited into a fund
Legislation Breakdown: H.R. 620 or the ADA Education and Reform Act
Tomorrow there will be a committee hearing in the House of Representatives on H.R. 620, or the ADA Education and Reform Act of 2017. Here is some information for you about what this bill does and what it means. What
Graham-Cassidy: What it means for you and me
Here we are again with another repeal and replace plan We cannot give up the fight. No matter how many bills they throw out there, we must continue to voice our opposition. We must continue to insist that our healthcare
Vote as if your life depends on it…
AOT: It doesn’t reliably prevent re-hospitalization or arrest
Welcome to Part 3 of our educational series on Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT). Lots of advocates for recovery-oriented care were upset that the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act incentivized states with AOT programs and let out a cheer
AOT: It casts doubt on our reasoning capacity
Welcome to Part 2 of our educational series on Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT). For those of you unaware, AOT is a hot-button issue right now considering that the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act, which drastically increases funding toward
AOT: An Introduction
Welcome to the nine-part series on Assisted Outpatient Treatment (AOT) by your friend Kate at the Colorado Mental Wellness Network. The purpose of this series is to shed some light on why it’s still important to be talking about AOT
Updates to Federal Mental Health Reform Legislation
By Aubrey Boggs, CMWN Intern While the name “Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act” makes for a positive and promising sounding bill, many individuals have had serious complaints concerning aspects of the bill. From leniency around HIPAA regulations to
Colorado Wants to Jail You for Being Sick
By Kate Fitch, CMWN Volunteer Colorado Senate Bill 16-169 has officially been passed by both houses and sent to Governor Hickenlooper for signing, which is as appalling as it is disheartening. This bill, otherwise known as “Emergency 72-hour Mental Health