Therapy is a wonderful resource for people living and thriving with behavioral health conditions. However, it can be hard to know what kind of therapy is right for you. With hundreds of practices and specialties, finding the right therapy for
De-Stigmatizing the Self
In our last blog post, I opened up about my experience with self-stigma and the concept of “normal” – for years, I felt like I could not be “normal” or participate in society in the same ways that others did.
Peer Support in the Present
“Simply put, peer support occurs when people in a particular circumstance reach out to help others in the same or a very similar circumstance. It is the act of a person or persons reaching out to others to help them
Living Between Diagnoses – By Wilder C. Hickney
My name is Wilder Hickney (pronouns she/her or they/them). I am a recent addition to the Colorado Mental Wellness Network community! I work as a contracted consultant with the Network. I’m here to help spread CMWN’s mission of positivity and
Why Mental Health Awareness Month?
Each May our community recognizes mental health awareness month, a tradition that has existed since 1949 in an effort to shed light on the “normalcy” of mental illness. (1) Is it working? Hard to say. Granted we’ve moved away
May is Mental Health (Not Illness) Month
by Amanda Kearney-Smith May is mental health awareness month, a whole month dedicated to raising awareness and breaking down stigma. So why do I keep seeing headlines like this….. “How to Get the Mentally Ill Out of Jail and Off the
U.N.I.T.E to End Stigma Week Four: Talk About It
This is week four of our stigma posts – we are discussing the acronym U.N.I.T.E¹ a campaign to end stigma that started in Canada. UNITE = Understand, Nurture, Include Others, Talk, Embrace We’ve gone through the U, N, & I this
U.N.I.T.E. to End Stigma!
By: Amanda Kearney-Smith I found this new acronym and I love it! UNITE = Understand, Nurture, Include Others, Talk, Embrace U: Understand. This means we need to educate ourselves and learn all we can about mental health issues. If you
May is National Mental Health Awareness Month
Yes, we have a ways to go, but there are definitely reasons to celebrate May as Mental Health Month! The more awareness we raise and the more we fight stigma the more people will get the help they need. Throughout