by Aubrey Boggs, Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator
The healthcare of millions of Americans is at risk right now. The Better Care Reconciliation Act would cause 22 million Americans to lose coverage, and, according to the Congressional Budget Office, that number would rise to 49 million individuals without insurance coverage by 2026. Individuals with lower incomes would experience even more barriers to care, including higher out of pocket costs. This bill would be devastating for Colorado, and for our entire country. Individuals with disabilities, mental health conditions, and substance use disorders are at particularly high risk, as states would have the option to waive essential health benefits for mental health and substance use disorders.
The negative outcomes of this bill will not discriminate based on party lines, many of us will experience issues accessing and affording healthcare, no matter which party we may or may not align with. We need to remind our legislators that their job is not to vote for their party, but to vote in the interest of their constituents.
If this healthcare bill concerns you, there are ways you can take action! Our Senators need to hear from us, they need to hear the voices and concerns of the people who will be negatively affected by this bill.
One of the easiest actions you can take is to call your legislator. It is imperative that we call our Senators, all of us who care about access to, and the quality of, our healthcare systems. It only takes a minute of your time. Protect Our Care Colorado has a variety of scripts anyone can use for calling their legislator, as well as more broad talking points if you are able to speak with your Senator or one of their staff members. Protect Our Care has various other resources on their website for information on the healthcare bill, as well as ways to engage in advocacy. Email, fax, call, and visit your Senator’s office!
Here is a link to those scripts and talking points:
Colorado Senators contact info:
Join us tomorrow as we rally to save Medicaid hosted by the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition, Atlantis-ADAPT, and Advocacy Denver.
- When: Thursday, July 6
- Time: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
- What: Peaceful Rally (not a civil disobedience)
- Where: Skyline Parkat 16th and Arapahoe Street (next to Sen. Gardner’s office)
It’s time to take action, folks. Our lives may very well depend on it. We can create change, but we must act!
Congressional Budget Office review of Better Care Reconciliation Act: